Base Camp Conference Exploring the Trails, Agritourism, and Downtown Ecosystem
Theme: Resilience, Relevance, Connectivity
October 18-21, 2021
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Daily
3 Days with 4th Day Workshop
Keynote Speakers:
Cassidy Rasnick, Deputy Secretary of Commerce and Trade
Liz Thorstensen of the Rails to Trails Conservancy
John Kennedy, Speaker, Author, and Strategist with Agritourism.Life
Stephanie Smith, President, SASC - a strategic communications agency
Chuck Flink, FASLA, PLA, an award-winning author, landscape architect, and planner
Amy Camp, Cycle Forward - trail tourism consulting
and author of "Deciding on Trails: 7 Practices of Healthy Trail Towns"
First 100 people to register receive Amy Camp’s book!
Summary Agenda:
- Day 1 - Downtowns are Vital to Trails and Agritourism
Cassidy Rasnick, Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Trade
Liz Thorstensen, Rails to Trails
Identifying Market Assets and Opportunities (Matt Wagner, National Main Street)
Connectivity by Design (Kathy Frazier, Frazier Associates)
Round Table: Asset Mapping and Brainstorming - Day 2 - Agritourism Connections for Increased Visitation
Keynote -- John Kennedy, Strong Culture of Communication
How to Get Noticed, Relevant, and Connected (Dr. Stephanie Smith)
Benchmarking Importance of Measuring Success for Agritourism Partners (John Kennedy)
Roundtable with Beaver Dam Farms (Candace Monaghan), Laurel Springs Farms (Courtney Umbarger), and Graves Mountain Lodge (Lynn Graves) - Day 3 - Trails Building Connections
Trails As Economic Engines for Agrotourism (Chuck Flink)
Connectivity Matters (Amy Camp)
Tour Trails with Connections to towns/businesses and Agritourism (virtual tours)
Debbie Gardner, Co-owner, Draper Mercantile and Trading Company (and Draper Blooms, LLC), Owner, New River Retreat
Round Table: Building Partnerships and Community Connections Panel
Daniel Jordan, Park Manager, High Bridge Trail State Park
Katie Dunn, Special Projects Coordinator, Norton Friends and Farmers Market Co-Manager
Dan Gregg, President, Grelen Nursery, Inc. - Day 4 - Workshop
How to Take What You’ve Learned Over the Last 3 Days and Effectively Connect the Different Parts of the Trails, Agritourism, and Downtown Ecosystem (Amy Camp)
$25.00 per day
$50.00 for workshop
$100.00 for entire conference and workshop
$75.00 for Early Bird Registration (available until 9/20/21)
Brought to you by:
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
Virginia Tourism Corporation
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Virginia Farmers Market Association
Virginia Cooperative Extension
National Park Service