County of Louisa 3rd Round CARES ACT GRANT
On Monday, Nov. 2, the Louisa County Board of Supervisors approved a 3rd round for the CARES ACT Opportunity Fund to support Louisa County businesses.
We do NOT know the specific criteria or deadlines (as of Nov. 6.)
This was for the 1st round - they are evaluating which may change. The Chamber requested changes to the # of employees and Franchises locally owned with no support from headquarters.
- One of these two applies to you and your business:
- FORCED CLOSED because of Executive Order(s) 53/55
- 3 F/T Employees criteria (Two part-time employees, each working at a minimum of 20 hours per week, will equal 1 full-time equivalent. Must be demonstrated on Form 941 for the most recent quarter.
- Gross receipts less than $2,000,000.00
- Business is located in Louisa County
- All local taxes are paid in full through March 1, 2020 (Business/Individual Owners; Personal Property, Real Estate, Meals or Lodging Tax [If applicable], and Business, Professional and Occupational License)
- Revenue losses due to unforeseen business interruptions related to COVID-19
- Business operations established and started in Louisa County on or before January 1, 2020
- For-profit business
PLEASE - start preparing information right now so you are prepared to apply if you meet the criteria determined for the third round. It will be a SHORT application period.
Financial Documents to get together:
- IRS forms W-9
- Form 941, If needed to show the part-time employee equivalent
- 2018/2019 P&L Statements
- Last 2 years business tax returns (2018/2019 and 2020 if available)
- 2020 YTD P&L Statements (Calendar and Fiscal)
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