GRANT OPPORTUNITY: FY24 Minority Enterprise Grant Opportunity DEADLINE Aug. 15 NOON
The United Way of Greater Charlottesville and the Minority Business Alliance of the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce are pleased to partner to provide the FY2024. Minority Enterprise Grant Opportunity.
This opportunity is intended for minority-owned small businesses that have been in business for at least one year, and that may need financial assistance to stabilize the business operation. This opportunity is not intended for larger minority-owned businesses that are thriving in a manner so as to be able to have employees and even consider growth or expansion. A total of $50,000 will be awarded. Ten grants will be funded from the $50,000 budget. Minority-owned small businesses may apply for the below-mentioned purposes. Successful applicants will be required to sign a grant agreement outlining the grant terms and conditions prior to receiving the funds.
Applications must be received no later than 12 noon, Tuesday, August 15, 2023. Applications will not be accepted after 12 noon. Applicants are responsible for ensuring the application is received on time via the online application process. Paper applications will not be accepted. Applicants that were recipients of the FY23 UWGC/MBA grant are not eligible to apply for FY24 but may apply in again for the FY25 grant opportunity next year.
Questions? Contact Barbara Hutchinson at bhutchinson@unitedwaycville.org or Ella Jordan at ejordan@unitedwaycville.org.