Louisa Forward Foundation Announces Leadership Louisa
Apply Now for the Inaugural Class of 2022
The Louisa Forward Foundation, in partnership with the Louisa County Chamber of Commerce, Hantzmon Wiebel, and Rappahannock Electric Coop, announce a new program designed to help build leaders and grow community – Leadership Louisa. Kicking off in 2022, Leadership Louisa is a professional development program that is a unique combination of relationship-building, learning, problem-solving, and community engagement for Louisa County business professionals.
“Louisa County is thriving, and as part of its commitment to the community the Chamber has taken steps to ensure it is equipped to facilitate this new and important program for local businessmen and women to grow and further develop as influential leaders,” said Casey Hollins, volunteer chairperson for the Leadership Louisa Committee. “We are excited to announce that the application process is now open.”
Leadership Louisa is a 6-month program that will begin in January 2022 and end in June. The program is open to 12 participants living in and/or working in Louisa County or working for businesses serving the Louisa community.
“We are seeking participants who are passionate about our community, who are interested in community service, and who represent the diverse businesses in our county,” added Hollins. The committee seeks representation from a cross-section of the community, including those active in business, education, the arts, religion, government, community-based organizations, and ethnic and minority groups that reflect the community's diversity.
Stephanie Koren, owner of Lake Anna Tractor & Hardware and Businessperson of the Year 2019, is the Honorary Chair for the program. As a champion for the community, she will play a key role in developing future leaders.
"I am optimistic and encouraged having a course such as this in Louisa County,” states Koren. “Our community is growing and Leadership Louisa will help participants embrace the full spectrum of what it takes to be a community leader."
Each month, January through June, participants will attend a full-day leadership session with focuses on topics such as, values-based leadership, receiving and giving feedback, effective communications, influence, leading change. The program will end with a session focused on program reflection and a graduation.
The 2022 Leadership Louisa program is limited to 12 people, and all applicants must go through the selection process. Applications are due November 12, 2021. To apply today, or for more information, go to LouisaChamber.org and select Leadership Louisa.
About Louisa Forward Foundation
The Louisa Forward Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit, was created to support the economic, education and community development programs implemented by the Louisa County Chamber of Commerce. The foundation is focused on business, workforce development, and community collaborations to enhance the quality of life.
About the Louisa County Chamber of Commerce
The Louisa County Chamber of Commerce promotes business, strengthens economic and community development, and serves as a catalyst for improving the overall quality of life in the Louisa community and region. For more information about LCCC, please visit www.louisachamber.org. Follow LCCC on Facebook.
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Related Links : https://www.louisachamber.org/leadershiplouisa/