Tons of Opportunities! Nov. 20 Email
Please find several links below for opportunities to help you during the holiday season. Please share with any business or organization looking to grow and prosper in Louisa County!
Louisa County Opportunity Fund: GRANT DEADLINE NOV. 30 DETAILS HERE
HIGHLIGHT REEL: SHOP LOUISA Promote your holiday activities via Chamber social media REGISTER
MERRY MONEY: Support the mission of the Louisa Chamber and WIN! PURCHASE TICKETS
MISTLETOE MARATHON: Through the week of December 7, Santa & his elves will be running around Louisa spreading holiday cheer! Please register for a DATE AND TIME that you'd like a visit or would be willing to attend a restaurant throughout Louisa. REGISTER HERE
LOVE LOUISA: Our campaign to "LOVE LOUISA like we do!" was created to encourage visitors as well as residents to explore the many events and attractions throughout Louisa. Our partners Louisa Arts Center and Louisa County Historical Society were greatly impacted by the cancelling of events. Please investigate opportunities to support them as well as other area businesses. AND - make sure you ENTER TO WIN for prizes! Will will resume monthly drawing in DECEMBER!
DEVELOPER SHOWCASE: We will release via social media channels a 4 part series in early December. Thanks to Cutalong at Lake Anna, Dockside Development, Dominion Energy and Rappahannock Electric Cooperative for participating and sharing some significant details of what's happening in Louisa!
LEADER SPOTLIGHT: On the first and third Thursday of each month at noon, we'll release a spotlight via social media channels. Get to know the leaders throughout Louisa County!
FEATURE ARTICLES: Haley Rosson, our intern, is contacting all Signature and Community members to schedule interviews for your feature story as part of your membership. Please be sure to connect with her to get this completed. Information was sent via email in late October.
Louisa Forward Foundation: We've created a 501(c)3 organization to support the programs and initiatives of the Louisa Chamber. We received official approval and more details to be released.
MAKING HISTORY: After 90+ years serving Louisa County, we're making history with our own business center! We're currently in the process of packing our office and will soon share details about our plans. We are thrilled with this opportunity!
BIG NEWS: Today, Friday Nov. 20 - we'll go LIVE on Facebook with some exciting news. Tune in at 4 pm!