Louisa Biz Expo & Developer Showcase
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 (11:00 AM - 7:00 PM) (EST)
The Louisa County Chamber of Commerce and Blue Ridge Bank would like to invite you to be involved with the first Louisa Biz Expo & Developer’s Showcase (LBEDS). The event is free and open to the public and will follow proper protocols for health & safety. First 200 attendees receive gift bag. ATTENDEES REGISTER HERE
11 am - 4 pm Participating Businesses (Shakedown Eats Food Truck available throughout the day.)
- Bethel Builders
- Blue Ridge Bank
- Busada Manufacturing
- Chiles Enterprises, LLC
- Colonial Webb
- County of Louisa
- Hammond Insurance Services
- Lake Anna Linens
- Louisa County Chamber of Commerce
- Piedmont Virginia Community College
- Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
- Royal Foundations
- Shenandoah Crossing Resort
- Southern Image Design & Builders
5 pm - 7 pm Developer Showcase
Cutalong, County of Louisa, Dockside Development, Dominion Energy, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
Investment Opportunities
Please note, due to the current climate for health & safety, all participating businesses must provide their own logistic materials as listed below.
$500 Gold Sponsor REGISTER HERE
Event day display: 10x10 booth space
Marketing materials: Logo printed marketing materials excluding banners or signage.
Website & Social media: Business logo on communications, registration page and social media
Business information or branded item included in attendee bag (provided by business)
Event day signage: One banner displayed at event (provided by business)
Event day mentions: Business announced one time
Day of materials: Business listed in print or visual items produced (programs & slideshows)
$250 Silver Sponsor REGISTER HERE
Event day display: 10x10 booth space
Social media: Business listed on Facebook event
Website: Business listed with communications, event details & registration page
Day of materials: Business listed in print or visual items produced (programs & slideshows)
$100 Business Expo ($75 Louisa County Chamber Members) REGISTER BELOW
Event day display: Eight-foot table space
Social media: Listed on Facebook event
Day of materials: Business listed in print or visual items produced (programs & slideshows)
$100 Attendee Bag REGISTER BELOW
Business information or branded item included in bag
Booth Requirements:
Businesses must provide their own table, chair and signage.
Specific set-up time and details will be scheduled to adhere to social distance requirements.
Please follow proper safety measures for interacting with others.
Art Design Requirements:
Full color, PDF or high resolution jpg
Submit artwork to executivedirector@louisachamber.org with SUBJECT: LBEDS ART
Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

522 Industrial Drive
Louisa, VA 23093 United States
Tracy Hale Clark
Chamber of Commerce